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Fibromyalgia patients diet - fibromyalgia cases fare

01-02-2017 à 11:38:41
Fibromyalgia patients diet

I can see the extra veins and they turn purple. I will not hold my breath on a cure or treatment as a result of this study either. I been using muscle relaxers but there are side effects like upset stomach, blurred thoughts etc. DLKirkwood- I totally believe I have this syndrome from eating a lot of something growing up. We should take everyone serious if he has pain no matter if we allready undersood the biological underpinnings or not. I felt so great, no pain from Fibro and arthritis for months. Hey, if it benefits someone, great, but the double blind studies show it does nothing. I was diagnosed with fm. This system controls the tonus muscle and the vascular tonus as well. Such chemicals regulate the level of calcium in muscle cells. You get used to hanging, if you hang often enough. Take a look at this site for more information and to look for a practitioner. Hope they find a more effective drug soon. Debi T, my lawyer takes medical cannabis for her anxiety and depression and she gets it distilled into drops, sort of like an essential oil, instead of smoking it. Thanks for your comments and the Albany article, which is far more informative. My hands really hurt a lot and when they are cold some of my fingers go pure white. I even joined every fibromyalgia support group on Facebook. I go out of the about once or twice a month now for doctor appointments. However my husband has a friend who also has fibro and his doctor gives him marijuana in pill form and he swears by it. It might sound like,I was a big baby if not for the fact,that I was told I must have a high Torrance for pain. Eliminating wheat and dairy has helped with the IBS but not with pain. A pretty good way of knowing whether one has Fibro, which is recognized now in so many countries by professionals. I have this on Kindle which currently is the cheapest way to read this. Moving here was the best decision I made to help myself. I do know this is not in my head, that is the only place that does not hurt. I find during the really bad days, the veins on the underside of my breasts are so enlarged, puffy and blue that it looks scary(like a varicose vein). The doctors treat with pain relievers and drugs which I refuse to take. There are many unanswered questions in this article. By high school, I had issues with muscle spasms, pinched a nerve, TMJ, and still had the other issues. Fibro patient ) That they want to make new meds for. I was a very active person, played sports which included lots of running. I am hopeful this discovery will lead to long lasting treatments and possibly a cure. I, too, am tired of the excuses and the constant pain. mystery. While I feel better than I used to, every day is still a struggle with pain and fatigue. When you are a man, there is a different response. I have had FM for 22 yrs and take anti depressants to sleep and 6 Tylenol daily for Arthritis. My hands are in horrific pain all the time, also itch pain. That I am vey depressed and should go on all the antidepessed. She has too eat comical free and 2 months after she seen a big difference in her fibro. They did not even say what the treatment could be, I want to know the SOURCE OF FRIBROMYALGIA, NOT A SYMPTOM. It does not make a person want to sleep all day, by contrast it takes away the pain so thoroughly you have the energy of the person you used to be. I said, if this is all in my head, then he can suggest and give me a referral to a good psychiatrist. And I did have an awfully traumatic childhood. They keep telling me that it is something that you are born with and lies dorement. I have flare ups from foods with additives. Never had to take any medication except a muscle relaxer here and there over a 4 year period. The trip on the bandwagon has been very long and without much relief. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, in 1988. Lisa, how long did it take for you to get some real relief using the Laminine. I find it difficult to believe this because every 6 months it is claimed that fibro is caused by this or that. Please go back to your doctor and insist on further testing. At time in the morning I felt like someone has beat me up. I have it in my neck and shoulder on my right side. Found balance in my days which is taught in Mickel Therapy. Up until now, its been told the pain is all in my head. They are permitted to do everything an MD can do, but their training is more of the muscular-skeletal systems than internal organs. S. I continue to search for something that will help. It took me decades to get the right docs, tests, and diagnoses that were at least helpful. The weight gain and foggy days stink though. Fibromyalgia is one of many conditions that come from improper diet, e. I do have those in my right hand and foot. I was diagnosed with FM about 18 years ago and I have since had to stop working because of the pain and the unpredictability of my general health. Blame it on what ever makes you feel better but truthfully you need to know diets are not miracle cures that fix everything. Auto immune disorders are our own bodies attacking us from within. Mercury can enter the body many ways, including from vaccines and tooth fillings. And the best thing is you can start juicing immediately, no need to wait for anyone else to develop anything. Plain and simple and whatever works for each of us is a true blessing. This is the general ignorance that sufferers like me have met with for years. Be aware, the weather will tell you what is coming and prepare yourself for the rest your going to do. I do however feel better on a gluten free diet. I went through about 22 years of this until I was diagnosed at 32 and I was overjoyed to finally know it was not all in my head to now just having doctors blame everything I go to them for as being my fibromyalgia. But also all the fibro patients I have worked with have a common attitude of being stubborn and refuse to listen to reason. Good day, I have a dear family member with the same symptoms. If anyone is in TN close to Cookville, I saw Dr Tokaruk. I did not see how this would work but gave it a go by cutting out the basics in my diet such as potatoes and any root vegetables, I really did not think it would help but it really did help me. I take magnesium supplements every day which has helped dramatically. I have FM I was diagnosed in 1992 but I think I was born with it. Hope to hear more about it. All of us have to find out what works for each one. Both, my wife and I, had long periods of intense pain in our legs when I happened to read an article in our local newspaper cautioning people who were on various forms of Statin drugs widely used to control cholesterol. Mona Amin. ,When stress takes hold the body becomes out of balance and our predispositions play in. You lose a part of yourself in it as well as friends and most definitely even family members. I can not be the mother I need to me to my boys because of fibromyalgia. Please try for your own sake. If there is a hug it can bring tears to your eyes because of the pain but you want that hug so bad. He is ecstatic, does yard work and exercises now. Find a hotel with a pool, stay for three nights, use the pool each day, get a warm shower and a good rest on a quality mattress afterwards, and re-evaluate after three days. Do some research on Lyme Disease if you have be diagnosed with Fibro. Before I was diagnosed, I went to a Neurologist, a Psychologist, a Psychiatrist, a Bio-energist, a Hypnotherapist. I know all about that pain,cure Bring It On. I am firmly convinced that this illness is bought on in some cases by trauma. To search in site, type your keyword and hit enter. I do not know what I would do without my pain medication. Everyones different but I cant tell you the relief not all pain went but a great deal. When someone tells me they are sick, I always believe them. I have taken every pain killer, brain blocker, antidepressent. It was much simpler than an elimination diet, which took forever. Right now the balls of BOTH thumbs ache and the bottom of BOTH heels. There is a natural remedy for every single human ailment. My good dr retired and I feel like my new dr thinks its in my head. The resulting lack of oxygen and nutrients is said to be a possible cause of our fatigue. At the end of all my tests I was prescribed Lyrica. Ppl who have no real problems are given pain meds. I was just depressed and all the pain and fatigue was a part of the depression. I never used to believe in miracles,but to me, this was one. Erik, good on you for thinking out of the box. I spend a lot of my days crying because if all hurts so much. Im also one of the lucky ones ive found horse riding (only road work no cantering or galloping) and found the motion really helped and now im pain free 80% anyway. I wish and hope that there wil soon be a treatment or something for us. I do believe that blood vessels are involved which effect every part of your body,but my legs are worse than my hands. I found information on the research mentioned in the article. D. Now I realize I was suffering with fibromyalgia at that age. Pain is insidious and affects every part of your life from your relationships, your jobs, even your personality. There were no symptoms of fibromyalgia in early years. Now imagine you are tested for the presence of these venules in the hand. I was finally diagnosed with FM 10 years ago. More exploration has to be done, and if the blood vessels in the hand are the cause, then what can be done. My feet and hands swell terribly and I cannot stand cold or hot weather. Tender hugs ur way hoping ur pain is minimal. where they gave me anaesthetic. I too have suffered from FM for 20 years. However, exercise, diet, rest,,,all these contribute to help your body deal with the pain easier. Chronic vitamin D (cholecalciferol) deficiency is an extremely likely cause. My Neurologist diagnosed fibromyalia and prescribed gabapentin(1200 mg a day now) and a antidepressant. Always did voluntary work, a paid job, raised my child, and always loved to be out and about. Imagine you have a car accident, a rear-ender, and you develop FM (This is common, as I know from my law practice. Years ago on holidays I put my hand accidently on a sea urchin. At first it was the pain and fatigue. I have had this condition since my teens (I am now in my 70s. It actually causes your body to create more blood vessels throughout the body, as it enlarges the body more blood vessels are needed. I have always been blessed with a caring heart. I was actually kind of taught it was a psychological problem, too. I also follow a hypoglycemia diet as its been found that many fibromyalgics also suffer from hypoglycemia, and I am one of those people. He humiliated me, telling me to lose weight and it will go away. I hope this helps all of you find some type of temporary relief. If my arms are uncovered and cold air blows on them, I suffer from intense pain and the only relief is to wear a sweater when I go into any place that is extremely cool. Please try. Leigh, keep trying until you get the right doc. She was disagreeing with what the person said. In addition to feeling widespread deep tissue pain, many Fibromyalgia patients also suffer from debilitating fatigue. I was officially diagnosed by a Rheumatologist abt 20 years ago. He works out of Marina Del Rey, California. The symptoms are the same, my age is not. My hands are affected worse than the rest of me. If they try to stop taking the meds, they will go through withdrawal symptoms worse than you can imagine. Mt private health care benefits ended from work(3yrs from date of LTD) and must now pay and then submit to a plan I pay for monthly that has a dollar cap on Rx. The thing is, there is very little else for the Doctor to give you. I had Poly Myalgia for 9 years the only thing that helped was cortisone and my knees were never the same. It sucks to be unable to enjoy the same thing our healthy peers do. I can identify with every comment made here. Dr gave me medication which helped a. Today I am gearin up to go find out about tooth implant. The announcement has the potential to unlock better future treatments and undoubtedly has patients all over the world rejoicing that the mystery of Fibromyalgia has finally been solved. I do to much in my house cleaning one day and pay for it the next day. I will give an abbreviated version of my story. I am going bad of painful muscles and headaches. If you know all the answers we would not have to suffer. I have switched to organic and doing most things from scratch. i was diagnose with fibromiaga about 6 its ago it gets worse. I get up every morning and do any and everything I can. i am off and on with medication because i have no insurance so when i can afford the meds i take them. A more potent source of the chemical constituent that gives pain relief (beta-caryophellene) is a So. Deja, you cannot ever take antidepressants, not even a tiny bit. He believes in Fibro as a serious condition, so he prescribed me Lyrica to try to help control the numbness, tingling and pain in my feet. I have found that most of the medicines mentioned in previous posts ALSO cause weight gain. Mercury, being fat soluble, lodges in the fatty tissues and nerves. But they may not be what you expect. Its very debilitating and no-one would chose to have this. I almost lost my life in 1969 due to a serious head on collision with a telephone pole. I am now 28 and still suffer from the pain and fatigue every day. The good new was, when Hospital Doctor said that I am not mentally ill, there is actually a name for this mystery pain that I am experiencing, it is called, Fibromyalgia. Slow release Guaifenesin has worked wonders for me. I have been saying this same thing for quite some time after having gone through near excrutiating muscle pain throughout my body caused by statins. Then they referred me to a Rheumatologist and he diagnosed my Fibro. Or did we have them all the time but something happened. I was diagnosed at age 21 after two years of worsening symptoms. They just cam out with a generic, thank goodness, but doctor said it will take a year before the price goes down on the generic. My fibro started from an injury that affected my shoulder and In turn affected my hand and arm then spread all over. I stopped taking the medication for 5 weeks and was back to square one and couldnt move without pain, My brain was foggy I couldnt think straight. That amount of tylenol is probably killing your liver. If you are really ready to fully and completely overcome FMS, check out The Chrysalis effect. One more thing, If these findings are true maybe a cure is around the corner. S. They will pay huge amounts of money to keep a cure off the market. I have no doubt that the findings are correct. So if those nerves are disturbed anywhere along the way, they can send pain signals right to your brain just as if they were being sent from another part of the body. Retiring on disability was not my first choice at that time it was my only choice. I will now work towards managing it no thanks to people like you. There is no treatment yet, but venous blood gases are consistent with the above findings. I would love to have a natural remedy for my depression and weight gain. I think that the Anti-depressants are very bad long term and can cause other chronic illnesses such as Parkinsons. When a dentist drills into a tooth, tiny particles come off and the vapour can endanger breathing, so oxygen can be given when necessary. I was formerly diagnosed in 2005 but it took many years to diagnose me properly. I lost it at work and was suspended, I was taken off the medication and started feeling more myself. I tried so much to explain, we ration our good days, because we pay those back with three bad days. My back is in a constant and extreme pain with twitching, spasms and burning. If interested in hearing or trying please let me know. Well the pain is always there no matter what you take. You are not doomed unless you do nothing. Bloated feeling or gas, indigestion, nausea or vomiting, or stomach cramps or pain. Soon, I will create a new page explaining how I transformed my life drastically ultimately becoming the most healthy and resilient person I have ever known. com I am now 4yrs into the protocol and its working really well. My faith helps me a lot, and the understanding of my husband is a blessing. John, I find my fibro pain gets worse if my magnesium levels are low. My hands dont hurt I have more pain in arms legs back and neck. I did and still do and am here to tell you that it has and does work for me. Mine started 9 yrs. When I read the first tiny article I immediately thought here is something. As an adult I have tried to find answers. I still continue to struggle with Fibro, in fact over the years seem to get worse, but am going to have all my Amalgam fillings out and replaced with white fillings, and then go on Chelation therapy. God if they can get this sorted lets all hope so. I was hit head-on by a woman who lost control on wet roads and crossed over into my lane. There is no medical evidence to suggest this. Why,because I have a daughter with it,diagnosed at 14 actually before me,although I had it since she was 5. Yet in quite a strident way, you pooh pooh everything anybody says. the osteo arthritis, spinal stenosis, gouty arthritis, bursitis (just found this one last week). THERE WAS STILL NO PAIN RELIEF, THE NERVE PAIN SEEM TO GO CRAZY RIGHT AFTER INITIAL DOSAGE AND I WAS TOLD TO BE PATIENT BY MY DOC, WAS VERY TO DEAL WITH THE PAINS AT TIMES NEARLY DROVES ME UP THE WALLS NIGHT AND DAy. It is people like this that drive a stake thru my heart, their blatant ignorance is what hurts so many of us. At the moment I take Gabapentin and Co-codamol for the pain and wonder if there is other treatment or suggestions which help. Now that I am older my body does not have the vigor to fight it. Now if I clicked on one or hovered over them that would be different. Google the relationship between chronic lyme disease symptoms and fibromyalgia. This so fits with my experiences my hands and feet ache so bad. I was diagnosed officially with Fibro 4 years ago when I was 20 years old, I too shared the same quest bouncing from one specialist to the next in search of answers, of a name for my condition. When I was first diagnosed, I was told it would never get worse but it would also never go away. I spent many dollars trying to get well before being diagnose. It was tough getting through the first 2 weeks of bad tastes and nausea, but so worth it. Repetitive actions, one sided actions, and bad form have been known to cause back injuries. People with real diseases are getting diagnosed with this fake disease and it puts people at real risk. Again, no test results of any significance have been reported. Dr put me on Neuroton and it helps so much more and no side effects for me. I take offence too when it is mentioned about only Americans instead of the obvious world wide suffering going on from this horrible condition. This really does a work out on the shoulders, and the spine. Mercury can cause so many problems that most doctors fail to recognize it as the cause. Some medical professionals believe there is no such thing as fibro of which i find unbelievable. I hope the NHS in the uk will have this info. There is absolutely no scientific basis upon which they can infer causality. I no longer get mine. My heart goes out to anyone who suffers with chronic pain. I cannot take lyrica because of the ingredients in it. Im staying busy and keeping my mind busy. So, luckily way at the back of the meat shelf, there were a few beef shanks with bones for just two or three dollars. I am on pain meds now after exhausting every other alternatives, I do however add supplements. I am convinced also that addressing vitamin deficiencies is helpful. Just diagnosed with fibro and this sounds about right. Believe me, the hand and foot pain started in my thirties and things went from bad to extremely bad. This is what should be researched, not the symptoms. For 18 of the last 20 years I have suffered from FM. Other words I hurt all over it feels like the inside of my bones hurt. I believe it started when I was just a child. Bi only hurt and feel like i have the flu 24hours after exercise. My question is where and if you are doing clinical trails. Again, it is helpful to understand the probable cause of fibro: mercury. I take 5000 units of Vitiman D a day but it does not help. Hopefully this will be something a doctor who cares will take into consideration. I have endometriosis and other health problems too which probably do not help my fibro. I always wonder about if there are any prescription drugs that we all might have taken in the past. According to the article it will only benefit 5m Americans. And never take any pharmaceutical until you are familiar with the side-effects. I totally admire both of u for being able to push thru the pain. I take Vito D once a week 5,000mg plus tramadol and lyrical everyday, and get Vitamin B shots monthly. Add to this,sciatica, which often tells our brain that there is pain in the buttock, knee, heel or foot, when the sensation is actually caused by spinal damage. The doctor sent me to a specialist who sent me to a specialist and on and on and on. I am recently diagnosed with Fibro, though i have been suffering with extreme pain and other symptoms for about 3 years. I also suffer from IBS and now take Resortan as I tend to be constopated most of the time. Sir, if you stub your toe it will ease off. You know what i would love to go out to work, but instead i am career to my mum who also has fibro. Also when I run out of either for a couple weeks till I can get to the store. I was brushed off too and when I applied for SSDI their doctor tried to put me in positions my body just cannot do. I have also had several rounds of physical therapy. Initially, in the evening, you might fall asleep in the chair. It took time but finally we solved that part of the pain. In fact 99% of it is used there. I just wish their was something to help with the pain. After all these almost 52 YEARS of suffering, I still believe it is severe trauma to the body that caused chemical and hormonal imbalances to the body that never returned to being balanced. Period. I am so glad they have found more on Fibromyalgia. Very good information when you are able to read it in spite of those Spammy Popups that popup regardless. I can tell you with NO doubt that these items make my pain much worse. I was finally diagnosed in Oct. Have had fibro for at least 30 yrs, but only diagnosed 8 yrs ago. Which adds to the pain sensitivity. Going to the doctor was a nightmare,my husband had to help me to the car and once I got in the car,I had to lay down. I am eternally grateful God for His hand that rests upon. I am in Canada, and I know in the States it goes under a different name. These findings may be true but still believe FM is Central Nervous System disorder. I was always sick as a kid and in eight grade I had one final sickness that activated my Fibro. I take the muscle relaxers 10mgs 3X a day and Naproxen 550mg 2x a day. The pain is there every day, some days are worse than others. Good luck. I cannot work now and I am disabled because of FB. The Fibromyalgia has been quite a bit more difficult. 24hours 7 days a week. Yes, marijuana helps, but it has to be the medical grade. I told him at one point that I had lived inside a my body for over 50 years and I k ow when there is something out of the ordinary going on. It definitely could be environmental and I noticed quite a few of us have had trauma such as car accidents, rape, flu viruses, or physical abuse as children. White blood cells have nothing to do with fibro but everything to do with polymyalgia. As a chiropractor who has unsuccessfully treated FMS patients for 24 years, learning this method of treatment was a revelation to me (and my patients) 2 years ago. Yes, it is AT LEAST two years old and sadly, it is a rewrite. Other reported benefits for some are much improved sleep, calmness, more energy. But if it worked this well for you I might give it another chance. Dr. The latter helped me stand and walk for a couple of years, but the more you take these medications, the more you need. But from my experience, stress and insufficient respite, are definitely precursors. I think there is more to this since it affects our muscles and tendons not just our skin. Over the following years I had further accidents, incest, rape and violence, depression, and numerous other conditions. I was taking it for depression for 6 months while my mother was dying of kidney failure. Winter is hard to get out because of the freezing cold. John Sarno. By the way, the very act of remaining in bed for any reason whatsoever legitimate or otherwise is known to cause back problems, stiffness, circulation problems, and pain all over the body. I read the original study from 2013 and it is compelling but far from a game changer. The common denominator with every person that I know, including myself who have had fibromyalgia is that they have had an emotional trauma and physical trauma that they have suffered. I have ever FMS symptom and many of the secondary. More media coverage, need to highlight this growing illness. And then they were told the debilitating news that there is no cure and the prognosis is to learn to live with the pain. I believe I have had gout all my life but it never manifested itself because my immune system fought it successfully. For real help go to wwwfibromyalgiatreatment. When I was gluten free, my pain was minimized greatly. Second thing is if there is overweight involved do your best to treat that as well. If your not seeking advice for problems from others on this comment thing. When I awoke from the surgery I had no feelings in my extremities what so ever and when the feeling did come back it was excruciating if I even slightly moved in the legs especially. In 2008 I was bit on my inner thigh and discovered a bullseye. Although I am still in pain constantly, I have had improvements in fatigue, and a reduction in my muscle weekness. Linda Marie Jones, I endured emotional and physical abuse from a parent, was raped by a stranger, had the Hong Kong flu, a severe case of shingles, and a car accident. Over the past 20 or so years I cannot even remember the last time that I really laughed about anything. And my doc says that my blood innfammmation is high (due to either having Lupus or MS which I will be tested for one day. So, the solution is to manage the proprioceptive system. I once read a book called The Mindbody Prescription by Dr Sarno that was able to shed some light onto one happens to the mind and body following incidents like this. samatic. I was a nursing student when I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I have diminished pain in hips, legs, knees, and ankles. All those things you wanted to learn but never had time. my flare up seem to happen on my back and my legs,i can smash my finger and feel pain shoot up my leg or spine. In relation to the article, I was an absolute wreck for YEARS with my fibro until I found the one medication that calmed my pain. Finally, I went to a rheumatologist that treated me as if I was made of porcelain and he gave the diagnosis. When a heart attack finally ends my suffering I will be the only one who knows how much all this stress caused it. To rule them out without evidence would be nonsense. Google that medicine and you should be able to find the name. I was diagnosed with HORSESHOE kidneys in 1987, Fybromyalgia in 2005 and Acoustic Neuroma in 2013. There are so many ways to treat fibro but there is no cure. Yes I have had a few flareups but not like I use to. The location of the nine paired tender points that constitute the 1990 American College of Rheumatology criteria for fibromyalgia. Severe muscel spasms in neck and back and in lower lubmar, legs hurts. It is a daily torture that few understand. There is NONE side effect or contra indication. It is fiction with a literay hook to entice us to read. Most Doctors will test for T4 and TSH only unless you ask them. Although my symptoms are not nearly as severe as yours I know exactly what you mean and each day seems to be worse than the day before. There will be those who may scoff but be aware the author has also successfully treated a premature baby born without formed lungs, an elephant with arthritis, a rhino in difficult birth, numerous stroke victims as well as Olympic Gold medalists. I am going to try this in the new year, as the lady who does it had Fibro for many years, and says it is blocked areas in the body that need to be cleared. I just want to say sorry to all of u who have Fibro. Weak legs, brain fog, vision impairment, and the list goes on. Thank you for digging into the cause-it can make a person toy with the idea if suicide. That is what my daughter and I would love to do together. I am now reducing the tablets 6 weekly and I hope to be free in the coming months of the medication if not I am happy to continue to take the table medication for life but hoping this news will stop al that in the future. Immune system over reactivity explains episodes of flu symptoms. It finally took my hands turning blue, with a 15 degree temperature change between left and right hand IN THE DOCTORS OFFICE before anyone listened. I was to busy trying to find an excuse to go lie down. Nobody should ever have to live with pain. I am suffering pain in my shoulder and reoccurring stiff necks, I also suffer sharp needles in my hand and have oestoarthritis at the base of the same hand. I am totally miserable and I cant even be trusted to look after my Granddaughter on my own. I want to thank my sister for researching this for me. And i have always been ambitious, did the college, uni thing even have a masters. Thats absurd,im not dr at all but a blood vessel in ones hand. Unless of course, any of you can explain why Mother Nature chose suddenly to transform most of America from healthy, slim, and relatively fit to fat, lethargic, and riddled with illness over the last 40 years. Still cant work but at least I can finally get up out of bed. It started after a series of traumas, emotional, at age 42. I do not know what I would do without this medication. Looking for neurologist to help with that, as well as fibro. Very often these things are quite common to people with Fibro. I agree with Ashley that we are all different and what works for one may not work for another. I feel like when I go up a flight of stairs every day I am doing it for the first time. Watch your form and hang from that bar several times each day or whenever you feel like you need a good stretch. I was on med but all I could do was sleep. The very act of remaining in bed for any reason whatsoever legitimate or otherwise is known to cause back problems, stiffness, circulation problems, and pain all over the body. I have met many people who have it or know someone who has it. Now 12 years later she has gained 3 stone is a type 2 diabetic and sometimes cant get out of bed. Articles like this just exacerbate functional somatic syndromes. Something significant about your lifestyle changed within that 3 years. My oldest brother was dxed with fibro back in the 70s by Mayo Clinic. I get temporary paralysis from the waist down, some days only for a few minutes, the longest time was over 3 hours, exercise makes this worse as it creates more wear and tear and further damage to the nerve endings. I have arthritis as well as fibromyalgia and nothing seems to help me be pain free. This explains y every fibro bout begins with pain in my hands and they r theblastbbit to feelbbetter too yaaayb. I am also trying Green smoothies. I get very little sleep, one foot I swear is broken. Get off it and go on muscle relaxers and Naproxen. So that on yet my salts because I drink a ton of water. Effexor is an earlier version of Lyrica and Cymbalta. With the pain of FM and the new knee I could not get the physio done as I should have so the knee did not heal well at all. 25 United Kingdom xx. especially from a dramatic life experiences that scar your brain and that transpondes to the nerve endings. I removed all ceiling vents through out the whole house and sealed where the ceiling meets the AC pipe. Told my dr about Lyrica and he put other patients on it with great success. I had to throw away many costly drugs because it caused side effects. I am not so sure I totally believe this article. There are huge adjustments that have to be made to life and that can be hard and depressing and some people cope in different ways than others or you. Besides, why are there no links to the original research that was done. I wish the naysayers could experience it for a week. You really believe a lifestyle change will solve Fibromyalgia. Else they miss out on their convention trips to Pago Pago. There are facebook support groups for fibros learning to use the oils. Why is this information not getting down to the gps. Your whole life revolves around it and it does take a toll mentally. I hope you All can find some peace,I have NOT. My GP with a recommendation from our local Pain Clinic, put me on Lyrica some years ago, and it helped me manage my pain. Do your own research from the REAL facts. I intend to talk to my internist about discontinuing it. Jackie go to wwwfibromyalgiatreatment. Sorry to hear how many of us with Fibro are out there. I have suffered for 6 years now and it is getting worse. As I continue to follow their 8-phase program, I see myself entering the phase of full and sustained recovery. thank you all for believing in us. So I truly think that we with fibro all share a common thread of PTSD. Over time, maybe a year or so eventually got better, slowly but surely. Personally, the pain is the least of my problems. They should be treating your symptoms but also finding causes as much as possible. Its my opinion that this is a bad thing and I believe doctors should look for a way to treat cause not the symptom. If this is in the hands then what is the therapy for it. I try to get through the days with all of that, but still in chronic pain everyday. He then followed me up in NHS were he appeared a little better but then sent a separate letter to my doctor saying I was a hypochondriac and would benefit from seeing a clinical psychologist. yes you may need some other meds too but read and see if it will become a painful habit. So much of it is the same as my own path. If a theory fails to explain the pain and the exhaustion, then it is incomplete or wrong. I have found that when the weather changes I am at my worst as far as fatigue and total body aches. Dawn you sounded like you are describing me, including the joints failing knees ankels giving out and falling elbows shoulders bursitis etc the list goes on and on and too have been the victim of oh you are a hypochondriac. One would like to think that those in the medical profession are more progressive and open minded but it is simply not true. Spent 5 days in the hospital, when I was released my body was never the same. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Psoriatic Arthritis in 2008 by my Rheumatogist. Besides myself, my older sister, daughter, niece and youngest son also have fibro or fibro combined with RA. Here is a much better explanation of the study — much more thorough and with greater accuracy. I want you to know now that for the majority of us, we just want our lives back. Theory is that people with fibromyalgia do not process phosphates out of their body normally, it builds up and makes the lumps in the tissues. As for the Vegetarian diet, been there done that, no thanks. This is a link that you might find of interest, if you have these fillings. Susan has been on it for almost 25 years, is almost completely cleared the lumps and painful joints. Meantime I heard from someone that if I took Magnesium and Zinc it would help. I may not be entirely healed with my prayers and meditations but that helps me decrease the size of that companion making him just a little bit smaller and less irritating. Plus a thyroid ate up with nodules for no reason. DLSteyl if you go to wwwfibromyagiatreatment. and a bad case of Cognitive issues. It sounds like you think you are a know it all. we tend to be animal lovers too. The pain and fatigue have become relentless the older I get. Six out of seven discs in my neck were shot. They believe, but have yet to run a larger trial to verify, that a subset of FM sufferers can have as many as 10 times the normal amount of capillaries all over their body. Issue raised is one of the biggest challenges today. Always cooked with an aluminum pot. Sounds to me more BS about selling us yet more drugs feeding the fat cats. It helps the joints without stressing them and amazingly enough, you lose inches doing this simple breathing exercise. Did we suddenly gain more of these blood vessels. Many people test negative in the early stages. I take amitriptiline which helps me to get into stage three sleep, sometimes. The program is with your personal M. When i was (FINALLY) diagnosed with FM i was so relieved. She is so high that she broke her foot and could not tell. Ive lost almost 40 pounds and am rarely hungry. I ended up with about 20 spikes in my hand, had nerve damage and it took weeks for them all to dissolve, as they cannot be pulled out. Thats fine but they should test for the cause as well as the condition. It was found that my Adrenal s were very low indeed, and I am taking Cortisol for this. I was skeptical, after all, I had tried everything, standard western medicine, fibro specialists, nutritional supplements and so on. My skin has always been super-sensitive for as long as I can remember. MaryAnn, not sure what u meant re: having pain meds but not narcotics. For those suffering, please listen to this video. Those drugs are degrading your central nervous system and weakening your bones. Laurie is 100% correct on that one would be nice if could be so. My rheumatologist prescribed Low Dose Naltrexone, 4. Because this is the litigation capital of the world, I must let you know to find a doctor you can trust (good luck) and consult with him or her before taking my damn good advice. Given my personal experience I still think FM, while apparently proven to exist, is still symptomatic of something deeper. It took me a week to get out of bed and quit crying due to my horror that my health was preventing me from being able to function like I had all those many years previously. Hopefully someday they will find a cure,or at least a better medicine. It does not hurt but I have had two surgeries on one hand and the other is getting worse all the time. This will gently stretch your back and reduce pressure on discs and possibly reduce the effects of aggravated or tickled spinal nerves which are known to cause pain all over your body. I can never get warm, just the cycling of the HVAC system cutting on and off feels like artic air to me. Ive had to cancel babysitting one of my grandkids. So the ones who say lose weight and exercise are wrong. it is not easy. Unfortunately, a lot of nuts use the FM excuse to seek drugs. Also, my Adrenals were critically low, so that needs checking as well. For years (since 1996) I suffered the disbelieving stare, but now I have support. For one thing, there is a genetic link, which was denied longly, as well as MS genetic link. and I am a canadian, not american, so a lot of people here in Canada are also suffering from this. But, this is the first time I have ever heard that Fibromyalgia is a symptom, not a medical condition. She is now back to work and I will try this diet for sure. If it was, there would be a blood test for it, Others and myself have been spending years searching for validation when what we needed was the truth. This includes very small injections on the heads of nerve clusters and along the nerve paths in your limbs and back. Treating anomalous symptoms with antidepressants without a working knowledge of why or how it works is worse than a placebo. end of. Any one wanting some practical support, and can get to Manchester, do get in touch. I had plates and pins which repaired both wrist. Your dental fillings, vaccines and fish are poisoning you. And Vicodin are not addictive to those with chronic pain disorders. Skin issues such as eczema, psoriasis, hives, and rashes. You must understand that the drug companies are in it for huge profits, and prefer to put about there is no cure and to keep taking their drugs. I have always had severe pain in my hands, and did not know the reason of that pain. My symptoms were caused by stress and a wheat intolerance. However I had only become overweight in the 6 months prior. To solve the mystery the researchers zeroed in the skin from the hand of one patient,it did not say how many other patients were tested. I have had these treatments since 2006(off and on). I have always been a hardworking country woman and love to work hard and a stay busy and this disease has stolen so much from me. The problem is that most people want a magic pill and will not try exercise or alternatives to allopathic medicine. There are two special dentists in Cape Town that deal with this. This is old (2013) research, and is nothing new. I had to starve and become dehydrated for over a week last time before I was allowed to go to hospital. Because my immune system is so shot, most of my teeth abscessed and I had them all pulled and now wear dentures. I have been doing good with this but would love not to have to use narcotics for the rest of my life. I was on a lot of medication and vitamines as you know thats what they prescribe you, i stop taking all my vitamins and medication except 1. I too suffer from foot pain. If I am right, the reaction lasts for about 4 hours. Salt prevents cramp, that is the contraction of a muscle, so perhaps drinking salt solution might help with the pain. You did sound like a jerk of the worst kind. My critics need to read my entries more carefully and stop taking them so damn personally. Anyone who has to take drugs for relief is lucky since I find drugs useless. I have now been 4 months pain free,and believe me,I can handle the insomnia and fatigue. How many people with Fibromyalgia have actually been through some kind of major trauma, a car crash, a major operation, an nasty accident, any of which would have an impact on the physiological effect on the bodies own natural working process. I have a very similar situation and it is pretty lonely living this life. I suffered from the symptoms for about 2 years. I have had a back ache for 24yrs and now I am suffering hip pain and going for an x ray. Kratom works on the opiate receptors in the body but is not lethal like opiates. Does it ean an actual cure or just tell us what we already know bout fm. I find it hard to believe, you hear promises but see no results. So bad could not wear shoes or clothes at times. Food bill has tripled since I started eating this way. It only takes a couple of puffs to be able to finish the dishes or mop the floor. Digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, or diarrhea. I had wonderful positions to teach at a top medical University on tissue transplants for the end of my retirement. They have a article about Fibro and other items of health. I really would like false teeth, so I can be sure all of it is out, but I expect they come with drawbacks. Now he has learned that he has to ask me how hard a hug he can give me. It explains how this condition operates at the cellular level. Lyme disease is caused by being bitten by an infected tick. Jan. I have been treating fibro for the last 14 years. Pamela Margalis — Aspartame is not the ONLY cause. wore braces a short time until my Father made dr, remove them. I am 63 and been miserable with Fibro for years. Stress will cause a big time flare up as will the weather. My rheumatologist and pcp both know that it is real. Thank you so much for the article, this explains all my problems that just resently happened. Prescription painkillers will not even take the edge away. Next time get the facts before opening that ignorant mouth of yours. That is very important, and swimming is marvelous, but I now feel scared of the water of any depth, as my core muscles are not strong any more. Another I find that is helping me extremely well is Epson salts I bath in it and I take magnesium in tablet form as well. The Pain has been markedly worse since last june. I am in my Matrix year at the moment and am really trying to cope with this illness and my finals. My Dr. 5 mg at bed time, I take tons of melatonin, slow release, to sleep, and Savella, 50 mg at bedtime, after 25 yrs of hearing I needed therapy, I feel much better. Our lifestyles play a huge roll in pain reduction. So that is a lot of time left feeling horrible. Point I am actually trying to make is that my FM has improved a staggering amount. By high time that they getting the problem to help us with relieve wimter time is the worse time pain never stop getting worse. My husband has teased me severely about being TOO SENSITIVE to touch, smell, light, sound, etc. Non-fibo say just pretend you do not have it. My Cousin was living with Fibro for years and we found a natural health product that has made her symptom free. I was diagnosed over 25 years ago when they were calling it fibrosytis syndrome. My concern is that Lyme becomes more debilitating over time, and can result in death. To keep fighting for the best we can be, but we may still not eliminate the battle. I find this article lacking a whole lot of details. The Dr dont know how to treat my symptoms because I also have porforia and was allergic to most of the medicine that was available for treating FM. Go to the right chiropractor and her adjustments. I pray that someone did find a cure and get the information out to all the doctors. We had a huge ice storm here in Ontario, Canada followed by severe cold weather and I had to miss two days of work, my entire skeleton and muscles were aching and I slept like I was in a coma. Cymbalta has been a Godsend as it has reduced the need for narcotics. That includes certain tomatos that have been geneticly modified using plum DNA to make their skin toughter. Because most patients with fibromyalgia are women and the medical profession has never been good at believing women. There is also a generic form of Lyrica available which is much cheaper. I was off mine for a year, and then there was a big upset, and suddenly I had panic attacks. Fast food, cigarettes, canned food, sugary junk food, 10-20 cans of soda a week. They have not discovered THE CAUSE, they have discovered a physiological anomaly amongst SOME Fibro patients that MIGHT be a factor in SOME Fibro symtomology. So can you tell me how much you take and how long it took to start working, please. I get relief from the chronic pain from ingesting medical marijuana I a coconut oil basement which I maker myself from ground up, or bud form. I was diagnosed 4 years ago, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, nerve damage in my arms and carpal tunnel. I am and have always been a strong and independent women until this pain took over my body. That was until I went to the Orthopedic Center of Southern CA in Los Angeles. I remember from a very young age being extremely sensitive to touch and experience pain if someone tickled me or playfully poked me. This information has been around for a couple of years now. Was rear ended and at a stop, driver going 40mph. It might not make us stop breathing, but it sure does steal our lives. I have a list of food that is heathy to eat. Only one of them has ever made any attempt at all to take care of herself. Because our illness is invisible, we are easily judged and discriminated against. The Dr. I pray they find an answer for those that follow me. I was immediately send to a specialist for possible Rheumatoid Arthritis. I stand beside u in a life of chronic pain. All these things I was not willing to do because it showed to be very expensive to do. We had to work at the dosage and with the side effects. I push myself to do things with my family and try to keep up then suffer in silence the next few days which leads to depression and anxiety. Personally I am skeptical of this 3 year old article. However I have other sytoms outside the FM ones that indicate something else is going on. Fads come and go, but nature has and always will be the basis for what we are all about. me, and the fact that Fybromyalgia is finally understood. One time I went to dr for a Migrain and he was like take this. The first appointment I can get is in March 2016. For the first time I thought I will tell the Dr. ) My stomach was refluxing acid, burning my esophagus and my stomach lining was inflamed. This does not even cover the nightmeres with the problems the drug cause and how they destroy your gut and how it affects our marriages. When the US started requiring all drinking water sold to have chlorine to prevent e-coli bacteria then fibromyalgia patients started showing up everywhere. And what about those that have never had an epidural that are diagnosed with fibromyalgia. I have tried all the meds previously listed with no help at all. I was given the option for anti-depressants but I refused because I thought that was crazy. Things have been explained to me and I trust them 100%. This illness has made me so i can barely do one thing at a time let alone many. It caused the IV to shoot out of my hand and shut down my entire peripheral circulatory system all the way up to my shoulder. I set up a support group for anyone who needs support, comfort, friendship and a place to talk. I could go on but hope you get the drift in what I speak. Also let became I Yoga teacher, and I love my life. net. Anything a person has to take every day, is NOT A CURE. Most certainly has to due with the brain. they help some. I smoke in the evenings to go to sleep and forget the pain, and smoothie in the morning for long lasting pain relief without the buzz. If this article came out 3 years ago, where are the treatments. Thanks for reading it is my first ever time of writing about it. I am heavily addicted to pain meds because that seems to be the only thing that can get me out of bed and off to work. I hope perhaps these doctors have found something that will help improve how FMers feel. My older grandchild knows the pain it causes and now will barely touch me which is good in less pain but hurtful in knowing that he has to treat you like a delicate piece of china. Feeding yourself properly when sick and alone is the tricky bit. Truly, people had long and healthy lives back then, eating a traditional diet that included meat, veg, healthy animal fats. I had many physio sessions with no relieve. Can you tell us what brand and quantity you take please. Instinct drawn me to gel that goes to a freezing temperature. All I do are super fun tasks from this one c00l site. Being tickled was fun but hurt at the same time and if I said something about it I was told I was too sensitive or being a brat. I am hanging in there. Just hope these investigators find the cure for the millions of persons suffering with Fibromyalgia. I am being censored heavily because my views are not sponsor friendly. But I do want to point out,that it is I believe hereditary. So if this is the beginning of treating fibromyalgia patients this is excellent news. Good luck and better health my Fibromyalgia comrades. I was told I had F. I started to feel a little better until after dinner and the next day I felt really bad. I have been dealing with this life-quality robber for 39 years. Most of my family thinks I am crazy and this damn fibromyalgia is going to cause a divorce. I am a young 73 year old lady who 4 years ago had a knee replacement and have needed to use a crutch since then. My disease made itself known after a nasty accident, west nile virus and shoulder surgery. I eliminated all sources of wheat from my diet and now months later, all symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and nerve pain is gone. God be with u all. I laid on bed with pain in my throat and no voice. It is constantly coming on and off, circulating the air. I also find that smells are more intense to me. It has been so painful and continues to get worse as time goes on. LITL. I know of a good doctor in Washington I could recommend, but there are ACAM doctors in many places now, and a look at the following website will be a good way of finding one. Use what you need to feel good at the same time, but get to those causes. Hi i have had this condition for 14 years. There is only one medication that works for me, and that is Zoplicone. Now that we finally have a name and a treatment and a possible cause should not be slammed by you. But most of us report this pain when we are middle aged. I also suffered physical and mental abuse from both parents and two ex-husbands. I take Cymboltan. I used to work, play and laugh and love like any other normal person. The worst part of being a fibro is that an invisable condition is it is invisable. I understand that diet can and does help but I also know it is not a cure. Dr st. But a few years back I was thinking about my childhood and my illnesses. I can understand I also have gain so much weight and with the swelling of the hands and feet it feels like they are going to bust open. Wallach, discovered what could be the answers to your problems. Started doing chiropractic, acupuncture on my hands and myofascial therapy. My boyfriend, of 2 years, knows very little of the disease. The does not ever go away completely and have just learned to live with pain. and Lyrica twice a day. I had chronic acute atrophic gastritis. Fingers crossed that a cure can be found. I begged for Lyme testing and the doctor reluctantly ordered the test. hope they will because i am tired of all my pain. But wake up and end up napping 3-4 hours during the day. My holistic doc wants to give me this for Lymn diease. I have no tolerance of bigots that purport to know more than anyone else and choose to stand in judgment of people they could never in a million years understand. Apply on the site of pain and rub in, or take in a capsule. Angela, They are not sure what causes Fibromyalgia. Hi after suffering Fibromyalgia for just over a year now I am delighted to know that this could be a cure for the future. I would urge Fibro sufferers to explore the use of selenium supplements and ingestion of both raw and cooked cannabis as both a palliative and treatment. I will pray for all of us, that something good will come of these findings. I wish I could remember or had saved where I saw that they had found something they thought was the genetic marker that caused fibro, that one is pretty new. Maybe they r closer to a better treatment, maybe closer to a cure, maybe they could give us more info since they seem to have more. You have no idea what you are taking about. Over a number of years the problem gradually went away completely. Haha yeh do trading places for a month ha x. METHODS: Available literature was reviewed, including searches via the National Library of medicine database and other sources. I live in a small town and since these new regulations from the DEA heroin has finally showed its presence. A lot of people suffering from fibromyalgia have depression due to the constant pain. I have had fibromyalgia for 51years my diagnosis was done on the 21 pressure points all over the body. I asked this before on here but I am doing my own research to see how many of us with Fibromyalgia, are RH Negative blood types. I believe this is what is causing most of my older sisters health problems. I may be in pain all the time but I love my life. Pur-blocka slows your signals down, and is calming, as are the anti depressants. But it takes months at the very least and its a bit tricky. There are thousands upon thousands of us that are in horrible pain every day and have had our lives stolen from us. Is it because some people are over weight. the protocol is working for me. My arms and hands feel so heavy that my walker and canes do no good. The first thing that alerts me to an impending flareup is shooting pains and swelling in my hands, as if I have excess fluid in them. Having said that, it does nothing for fm flare ups. If its true that would make my life much easier. I was healed and came out of my wheelchair, gave all my benefits back and my life has completely changed. I do not ask them to prove to me that they have a disease and why should they treat fibro like they do. We now grow our own on our farm and grind it into a powder which I put on my tongue and swig it down with water. If i tske it easy and dont excercise i am relatively well. Doctors are still handing out Anti-depressants like sweeties, which may help to an extent with the pain but are addictive, and if you read the papers, the medication can cause the same problems as what you already have, maybe more so. I had just lost,from 300lbs down to 145lbs,when I got sick. I have an aunt who was diagnosed with Fibro several years ago. My daughter and older sister both have fibro and RA. The origine of the most cases of Fybromialgia is a disturbance of the slow proprioceptive system. You will be amaze of how many others got cured on it. Hope real relief comes soon for the sufferers of this painful, draining condition. They are also more likely to say it is all in your head than with a problem that effect men. After seeing a MS specialist who refered me to a specialist from a pain clinic, I was finally diagnosed. And so to show thanks for things in my life and -PAY IT FORWARD- I want to help and guide any other living soul who are living with FIBRO and DIABETES. Please email me for help with natural remedies. I have tried it it helps with the pain but gave me thrush everytime. How can she sound like an addict when she goes to a pain specialist. That is why when we have long cold winters it is harder for me. Four out of the five on my previous comment (including myself) said they were negative. It is disheartening and can break down someone with even a positive attitude and outlook on life. He also said the condition could be repaired almost 100% He manipulated my neck, gave me exercises and they help tremendously. Thank you. In other words, I stand by my comment made earlier. I was diagnosed at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester9 years ago. I started taking digestive plant enzymes containing cellulace, lactase, amylase and protaese and my symptoms are gone. Infused with natural herbs, elemental germanium, minerals and marine phytoplankton this strip is applied to your body (water soluble adhesive) and worn daily. But I remain absolutely convinced that we as idiot hypochondriac Americans are screwing up our bodies by popping pills for every little ache, pain, jitter, worry, and sniffle. Here we call then ortomolecular and into bio-medicine. Ruth I too take Flexeril and it does help when my pain gets worse. ). I had this pain, which was just below the shoulder, at the front, it has alerted a nurse who was watching me for a while pressing on and rubbing the painful spot. Our immune systems attack us in unique ways. it took three months to get an answer three days before my birthday. The first two years my legs were so weak and hurt so bad, I spend my days in bed. Reduce your body burden of synthetic toxic chemicals and see how you feel. Take 30 mg of Amrix at night to get my muscles to relax. I have said a hundred times, I would not wish for you or anyone else to walk in my shoes for any longer than a minute. It is expensive to eat healthy but I have to do it. Women with PAIN that they can completely MAKE UP to get out of WORK and get disability and pain medication for. My problem is that my body shakes, sometimes quite badly that I jump with it. My fingertips hurt just lightly typing on my smartphone so maybe there is something to the hand theory. If you missed an earlier post, someone mentioned an herbal med patch that helped with pain. It really is an amazing bottle of antioxidants. If that were true, then a definitive test would have been perfected by now. Wish I could sleep more, exercise as much as my body will allow until fatigue sets in and the pain stops me being active. But surely this is just a repeat of a report circulating ages ago, which at that time was said to be a couple of years old. So, I had hurt for years, tired for years, stomach issues for years. My FMS appeared suddenly, noticed when I left hospital after 1980 car accident. Talk to your pharmacist about it or google it. Jan, I was on a similar cocktail and am completely off the drugs, and using natural sources now. As for the restless legs they are caused by the anti depressants they put you on to up the pain tolerance. My fibomyalgia symptoms started as aching legs and coincided with the short time I was taking statins. I have had ( Fibromyalgia ) now for over 18 years, and I wish they would come up with a cure. i would love to see something that would help this. CranioSacral Therapy (CST) was pioneered and developed by osteopathic physician John E. I recommend, taking MSM (Methylsulfonylmethane), Bovine Colostrum (or any kind of colostrum) and Wobenzyme. Melatonin at night to help with sleeping and walk on tread mill in the afternoon instead of napping. Doctors sure have become very heartless through the years. I know it just masks the pain but until the cure is found,if there ever is one, or a medication,that actually works, pain meds are the only thing that can get me through the day. It has been a long battle and I am so happy that it is finally understood and there is now hope for a cure. Many fruits and vegetales she cant handled eather. Linda I have found that the treatment on web site: wwwfibromyalgiatreatment. Jan thank you for your reply and suggestion. This disease had robbed me of so much in the past 21 years. It was all news to me, I have never heard of this sickness before, but in a way I was relieved to hear that I have the physical sickness with a name, rather then, that wide spread pain stems from my imagination. No matter what I did the good days were fewer. Further research and especially, clinical trials will further demonstrate the usefulness of medical cannabis. yes, there are days I cannot walk, there are days that I cannot hold up a book to read, but I be damned if I end up a bitter, fat old lady who has never really OWNED her own issues. Regarding this article, I will wait and see what happens but I am not necessarily optimistic. I have fibro and raynauds, sounds like there might be a correlation between them. So the way you sit or stand could be a huge factor regardless. They also receive huge pressure from the pharmaceuticals to sell pills. Of course, you must find a doctor you can trust within the miserable and corrupt healthcare industry and consult with him or her before taking my damn good advice. Do you think this could have been a more accurate account of the pain and disfiguring of my hands and fingers. After 29 hours, ALL if the feelings of depression, sadness and despair left me, like a fog being burnt away by the sun. Women with PAIN that they can completely MAKE UP to get out of WORK and get disability and pain medication for. They figure it was my car accident is the trigger. I still have carpal tunnel and lunar neuropathy, and the nerve damage is probably permanent now. A reason for disability and pain meds and stories to tell on the web for days on end. This has helped me with similar feelings in my shins in the middle of the night effecting my sleep. We need to ensure this isnt some drug company push. It angers me to see how stupid people are to put man made crap ahead of God made nature for God in my opinion wins hands down. I was finally diagnosed with Fibro about 4 months ago. I sleep 8 to 10 hours and exercise 5 days a week including swimming. I also see a NP who has specialized in fibro for decades. Most dentists will deny Mercury fillings are dangerous. I began the guaifenesin protocol developed by Dr. Studies on the neuroendocrine system and HPA axis in fibromyalgia have been inconsistent. Well I hope we can get the word round about this treatment. Upper Cervical Specific Chiropractic may be the answer for some people and the Specific adjustments sometimes have to be experienced to understand. Unfortunately, Lyme Disease may not be the reason for everyone. The Dr. This really makes me wonder if sensory processing disorder could be related to FM. Before you people accuse me, no I am not a chiropractor. My doctor has pretty much given up on doing anything but maintaining. St. She does hands on therapy. nighttime is when I feel the pain in my hands the most. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a couple of years ago. High Frutose Corn Syrup and Modified Food Starch make my body hurt worse. I was beyond skeptical until I tried it and it worked. ( first time in YEARS). I have suffered with fybromialgia for ten years, I have taken every drug prescribed to me by my doctor, the drugs only succee